CSR Policy
1. Objective
To contribute to the well-being of communities and society through environmental, economic, and social measures, creating a positive impact. To consistently:
- Initiate projects that benefit communities.
- Foster employee commitment towards CSR activities and volunteering.
- Generate goodwill in communities where Rangdeep Apparels Private Limited (the “Company”) operates or may operate.
2. Definitions
- CSR Policy: A statement outlining the approach and direction approved by the Board, incorporating recommendations of the CSR Committee. It includes guiding principles for selecting, implementing, and monitoring activities, along with an annual action plan.
- CSR Committee: The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Board as referred to in Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013.
Note: Until the CSR Committee provisions apply, all CSR-related functions shall be performed by the Board of Directors.
3. Scope and Eligibility
CSR refers to activities undertaken by the Company as per its statutory obligations under Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 ("Act"). This policy applies to all CSR initiatives and activities undertaken by Rangdeep Apparels Private Limited.
4. Governing Structure
Board of Directors:
- Mr. Pramod Jain
The Board is responsible for strategizing, deciding the expenditure on CSR activities, and periodically monitoring the CSR Policy.
5. Responsibilities of the CSR Committee
a. Formulate and update the CSR Policy, outlining activities to be undertaken.
b. Recommend the CSR expenditure.
c. Monitor the CSR Policy, including the progress of projects/programs funded by CSR.
d. Ensure the activities in the CSR Policy are implemented.
6. Principles for Policy Selection
While identifying projects, efforts must include:
- Defining timelines for project milestones.
- Allocating responsibilities.
- Specifying expected results and measurable outcomes.
7. Types of CSR Activities
- Environmental Responsibility
- Human Rights Responsibility
- Philanthropic Responsibility
- Economic Responsibility
8. CSR Focus Areas
In accordance with the Companies Act, 2013, CSR activities shall focus on the following:
A. Eradicating hunger, poverty, and malnutrition; promoting healthcare, sanitation, and safe drinking water.
B. Promoting education and enhancing vocational skills, especially for children, women, elderly, and differently abled individuals.
C. Promoting gender equality, empowering women, supporting senior citizens, and reducing inequalities for socially and economically backward groups.
D. Disaster relief efforts.
E. Contributions to relief funds and rural/slum area development projects.
Preference will be given to local areas where the Company operates.
9. Monitoring Process
a. Formulate an annual action plan for CSR projects.
b. Recommend and approve CSR budgets.
c. Review and monitor CSR activities periodically.
d. Maintain transparency by documenting CSR initiatives and expenditures.
e. Report unspent CSR amounts in the Annual Report.
f. Approve projects outside focus areas if aligned with Schedule VII of the Act.
10. Failure to Spend CSR Funds
If the Company fails to spend the required CSR amount, the CSR Committee shall submit a report to the Board, and the reasons will be disclosed in the Directors’ Report. Unspent amounts will be transferred to the specified funds under Schedule VII within the stipulated timelines.
11. Unspent Amount Management
Any unspent CSR amount will be transferred to a special "Unspent CSR Account" within 30 days from the financial year-end. Funds must be utilized within three financial years, failing which they will be transferred to Schedule VII funds within six months.
12. Impact Assessment
Where applicable, the Company or an implementing agency will undertake an impact assessment as per legal requirements. The impact report will be presented to the CSR Committee and Board and disclosed as required.
13. Policy Amendments and Exceptions
This policy may be amended, modified, or reviewed at the discretion of the management or as mandated by changes in applicable laws. Exceptions to this policy shall be approved by the Board of Directors.
Approved by:
Mr. Pramod Jain
Director, Rangdeep Apparels Private Limited